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How Digital Marketing Can Help Your Small Business

How Digital Marketing Can Help Your Small Business

Digital marketing is not just for the chains and large corporate businesses. Small businesses need a digital marketing plan, too! Whether it is Google Ads, Facebook Ads or other Social Media Platform Ads, SEO, or Organic Social Media Management, digital marketing...

Introducing Duncross Media to Macon, GA!

Introducing Duncross Media to Macon, GA!

Are you a Macon business owner? Do you have an amazing service or product to offer but find yourself lost when it comes to digital marketing? Perhaps you are not happy with your current digital marketing agency. Allow the newest local digital marketing agency in Macon...

20 Simple SEO Tips

20 Simple SEO Tips

Most of our SEO tips below are fairly straight-forward. They’re not new, they won’t make all the headlines, and they’re certainly not rocket-science. That indeed is the beauty of them all. We think SEO is pretty simple, so don’t waste your time trying out the latest...

The Five Google Ads Campaign Types Explain

The Five Google Ads Campaign Types Explain

With business having made a big shift to online focus over the past decade, spending your marketing budget on Google Ads (PPC) has become more and more of a priority. Google Ads has been in operation since October 2000, offering advertising spots firstly on Google...

The Positive Benefits of Search Engine Optimisation

The Positive Benefits of Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation can play a powerful role in your company’s marketing strategy.  Here are 5 positive reasons why SEO is beneficial;Cost EffectiveLet’s be honest, cost will always be the main factor companies consider when planning their marketing strategy. ...

Grow your business with Google Ads

Grow your business with Google Ads

Online advertising lets you target your ads to the type of customers you want and filter out those you don't. When you advertise online with Google Ads, you can use different targeting methods to reach potential customers right when they're searching for your products...