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The Towing Centre

Pay Per Click Management

Reliable top-quality service to meet all your towing requirements.

The Towing Centre’s project required a large amount work before we took the project on. They not only wanted to be very present with regards to their services department but equally their products too.

The Challenge

This project was a challenge from the start. The budget only allowed us so much movement, but we love a challenge! Having such a large number of products and then the services department too, did mean we had to get creative! This project was very much a long term one, so we had the luxury of building in methods that allowed to budget to work for them. A steady increase in sales was the requirement and we were most certainly up to the challenge!


As this was a long-term project, we were able to do a lot of market research and collate huge amounts of data. With a smaller budget this data was critical in making the ads very targeted, as to not waste a single penny! With two areas to consider we had double to think about and figure out how their most relevant terms could work in both product and service if possible.

The Results

We carefully monitored the analytics and provided weekly updates to start with so we could make adjustments quickly and proactively jump into any area that would yield a profit. The first 3 months saw a 15% rise in sales and a 20% rise in services. Great numbers to start, but we knew we could do more! At the year mark we were happy to report they both rose another 15% and 10% respectively.

  • Total Rise in Sales 30% 30%
  • Total Rise in Services 30% 30%

To find out more about our work in pay per click management, contact us today.